• Please fill out this form first. From there, we will schedule a phone consultation with the child’s caregiver. Based on our phone call, we will decide whether an evaluation is warranted, and if one is, we will complete an evaluation assessing the child’s speech and language skills.

    This evaluation is customized to your child and their needs and may include standardized assessments, informal assessments and observations, and input from the child’s caregivers and teachers. An initial evaluation usually takes 1-2 hours and will be completed in your child’s natural environment.

    Based on the results of your child’s evaluation, you will receive a written report with an individualized treatment plan to target the speech/language needs of your child.

  • We are not currently in network with any providers, but we are happy to provide a SuperBill to be submitted to your provider independently for reimbursement.

  • Please fill out this form to schedule a complimentary phone consultation to discuss your child’s needs, the cost of services, and the process of evaluation and treatment in more depth.